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Dynamics heat and mass transfer of vapor-gas bubbles in a liquid |
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Amplification and attenuation of shock pulses in gas and vapor-liquid flows |
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Convective combustion of aerosuspensions in restricted volumes |
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9 | Dynamics of non-stationary two-phase flow | Transient Phenomena in Multiphase Flow (Ed. N. Afgan), 1988, Hemisphere. | N.D. Musaev |
10 | Waves in liquid with vapor bubbles | J. Fluid Mech., 1988, Vol. 186. | N.S. Khabeev Zuong Ngok Khai |
11 | Sound waves in monodispersed gas-particle or vapor-droplet mixtures | J. Fluid Mech., 1988, Vol. 193. | N.A. Gumerov A.I. Ivandaev |
12 | Amplification of shock waves in a non-equilibrium gas-liquid systems | Nonlinear Waves in Active Media (Ed. Y. Engelbrecht), 1989, Springer Verlag. | A.A. Gubaidullin |
13 | Heat and mass transfer in wave dynamics of gas-liquid systems | Proc. IX Int. Heat Transfer Conf., 1990, Hemisphere. | - |
14 | Fundamentals of mechanics of saturated porous media: basic equations and waves | Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media (Ed. S. Kakac), 1991, Kluwer Acad. Publ. | A.A. Gubaidullin |
15 | Transient heat and mass transfer near drops and bubbles | Phase-Interface Phenomena in Multiphase Flow (Ed. G. Hewitt et al), 1991, Hemisphere. | N.A. Gumerov, Zuong_Ngok_Khai |
16 | Mechanics, heat and mass transfer in saturated porous media. Application to petroleum technology | Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media (Ed. S. Kakac et al), NATO ASI Series E: Appl. Sci., Vol. 196, 1991, Kluwer Acad. Publ. | K.M. Fedorov Zuong Ngok Khai A.A. Kislitsin |
17 | Hydraulics and heat transfer of multicomponent gas-liquid mixture with chemical reactions and phase transitions in tubular furnaces | Proc. Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow (Ed. G. Matsui et al), 1991, Tsukuba. | - |
18 | Linear Waves in Saturated Porous Media | Transport in Porous Media, 1992, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2. | A.A. Gubaidullin |
19 | On equations of dynamics of bubbly liquids | Phase-Interface Phenomena in Bubbly Liquids (Ed. J. Blake). Kluver Acad. Publ., 1994 | - |
20 | Non-stationary outflow and rarefaction waves in flashing liquid | Nuclear Engineering & Design, 1994, Vol. 151, pp. 131-144. | K. I. Soplenkov |
21 | Some fundamentals and applications, paradoxes, and myths in mechanics of multiphase flow | Proc. 2-nd Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow (Ed. T. Fukano et al), Vol. 1, 1995, Kyoto. | - |
22 | A method for superhigh compression of gas bubble in liquid by non-periodic vibration forcing with moderate amplitude of pressure | Physics-Doklady (J. Russian Acad. Sci.), 1995, Vol. 40, No. 3, p. 122-126. | V.Sh. Shagapov N.K. Vakhitova R.T. Lahey |
23 | Prospects for bubble fusion | Proc. 7-th Nuclear Thermo-Hydraulics Conf. (NURETH-7), Vol. 1, 1995. | R.T. Lahey |
24 | Drift flux model as approximation of two fluid model for two phase dispersed and slug flow in tube | Proc. 7-th Nuclear Thermo-Hydraulics Conf. (NURETH-7), Vol. 1, 1995. | - |
25 | Entrainment and deposition rates and in a dispersed-film flow | Int. J. Multiphase Flow. - 1996, V. 22, No. 1, p. 19-30 | B. Nigmatulin Ya.D. Khodzaev V.E. Kroshilin |
26 | On the different forms of momentum equations and on intra- and interface interaction in the hydromechanics of a monodispersed mixture | Chem. Eng. Comm., 1996, Vols. 141-142, pp. 287-302. | R.T. Lahey, D.A. Drew |
27 | Experimental and theoretical modelling of the effect of anomalous shock wave amplification in high viscous liquids | Physics-Doklady (J. Russian Acad. Sci.), 1996, Vol. 346, No. 1, p. 46-49. | A.A. Gubaidullin, A.T. Akhmetov, S.A. Bekishev, E.N. Mikhaylov |
28 | Phase transition effects in the acoustic of polydisperse fogs. | Physics-Doklady (J. Russian Acad. Sci.), 1996, Vol. 41, No. 3, p. 101-104. | D.A. Gubaidullin |
29 | On the liquid compressibility in the dynamics of gas bubble | Physics-Doklady (J. Russian Acad. Sci.), 1996, Vol. 348, No. 6, pp. 768-771. | I.Sh. Akhatov N.K. Vakhitova |
30 | The resonant supercompression and sonoluminescence of a gas bubble in a liquid filled flask | Chem. Eng. Comm., 1998 Vol. 168, pp. 145-168. | I.Sh. Akhatov N.K. Vakhitova R.T. Lahey |
31 | Acoustics of two-phase fluids and sonoluminescence | Proc. 16-th Int. Congress on Acoustics and 135-th Meeting Acoustical Society of America (Ed. P. Kuhl & L. Crum), 1998, Vol. 4, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 2443-45 | - |
32 | On the theory of supercompression of a gas bubble in a liquid-filled flask | Proc. 16-th Int. Congress on Acoustics and 135-th Meeting Acoustical Society of America (Ed. P. Kuhl & L. Crum), 1998, Vol. 4, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 2853-54 | I.Sh. Akhatov N.K. Vakhitova R.T. Lahey |
33 | Hydromechanics, acoustics and transport in sonoluminescence phenomena | Sonochemestry and Sonoluminescence (Ed. L. Crum, T. Mason, J. Reisse, K. Suslick), NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dodrecht/Boston/London, 1999, pp. 127-138. | I.Sh. Akhatov N.K. Vakhitova R.T. Lahey |
34 | Physical nature of thermal anomaly of Yangantau mountain on the South Ural | Physics-Doklady (J. Russian Acad. Sci.), 1998, Vol. 362, No. 6, pp. 807-809. | T.T. Kazntseva M.A. Kamaletdinov Yu.V. Kazantsev |
35 | On the theory of acoustic waves in polydispersed gas-vapor-droplet suspensions | Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 26, pp. 207-228, 200. | D. Gubaidullin |
36 | On the forced oscillations of a small gas bubble in a spherical liquid filled flask | J. Fluid Mech., 2000, vol. 414, pp. 47-73 | I.Sh.Akhatov N.K. Vakhitova R.T.Lahey Jr. |
37 | Two-dimensional waves in the liquid with bubbly zones. | Physics-Doclady (J. of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 378, No. 6, pp. 763-765, 2001. | V.Sh. Shagapov I.K. Gimaltdinov M.N. Galimzyanov |
38 | Pressure Wave Evolution in a Fluid with a Bubble Zone. | Fluid Dynamics, 36, 3, p.p. 458-466, 2001. | I.K Gimaltdinov V.Sh Shagapov |
39 | Explosive flow of boiling and degassing liquids out of pipes and reservoirs: the influence of wall friction. | Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 27, pp. 553-560, 2001. | V.Sh Shagapov G.Ya. Galeeva D. Lhuillier |
40 | Evidence for nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation | Science, 8 March, 2002, Vol. 295, pp. 1868-1873 | R. Talearkhan C. West J.S. Cho R.T.Lahey Jr. R. Block |
41 | Additional evidence of nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation | Physical Review E, Vol. 69, p.0361091, March, 2004. | R. Talearkhan C. West J.S. Cho R.T.Lahey Jr. R. Block |
42 | The evidence for nuclear emission during acoustic cavitation revisited | Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2004. | R. Taleyarkhan R.T. Lahey |
43 | Nano-scale thermonuclear fusion in imploding vapor bubbles | Nuclear Engineering and Design, 235 2005, 1079-1091. | |
44 | The Theory of Supercompression of Vapor Bubbles and Nano-Scale Thermonuclear Fusion | Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17, 107106, 2005. | A.S. Topolnikov R.Kh. Bolotnova N.K Vakhitova R.T. Lahey, Jr. R.P. Taleyarkhan |
45 | Nuclear Emissions During Self-Nucleated Cavitation | Physical Review Letters, Vol. 96, 034301, 2006 | R.P. Taleyarkhan R.T. Lahey, Jr. R.C. Block, Y. Xu |
46 | Distortion of the spherical shape of a vapor cavity in deuterated acetone | Doklady Physics, Vol. 51, №6, P. 334 - 338, 2006 | A. A. Aganin M. A. Il'gamov D. Yu. Toporkov |
47 | Sonofusion technology revisted | Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 237, 1571-1585, 2007 | R.T. Lahey R.P. Taleyarkhan |
48 | Advances in acoustic inertial confinement bubble nuclear fusion | Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society Volume: 237 Meeting Abstract: 33-ENVR Published: MAR 22 2009 ACS Symposium Series Volume 1029, Pages 139-157, 2009 | Block, RC; Lahey, RT; Taleyarkhan, RP |
49 | Evolution of distortions of the spherical shape of a cavitation bubble in acoustic supercompression | Fluid Dynamics, Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Pages: 50-61. 2010 DOI: 10.1134/S0015462810010072 |
Aganin, AA; Il'gamov, MA; Toporkov, DY |
50 | Transcillatory heat transfer in a liquid with gas bubbles | Thermophysics and Aeromechanics - Volume 19 - Issue 4 - pp 589-606. 2012 DOI: 10.1134/S0869864312040075 |
A. I. Filippov, A. S. Khismatullin |
51 | Sound waves in two-fractional polydisperse bubble liquids | Doklady Physics - Volume 57 - Issue 11 - pp 451-454, 2012 | D. A. Gubaidullin, Yu. V. Fedorov |
52 | Acoustic Waves of Different Geometry in Polydisperse Bubble Liquids: Theory and Experiment | Doklady Physics. Т. 58. № 6. С. 261-265. 2013 DOI: 10.1134/S1028335813060128 |
Gubaidullin D.A., Fedorov Y.V. |
53 | On thermonuclear processes in cavitation bubbles | Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences), Vol. 184, No. 9, pp. 947-960, 2014 | Lahey R.T., Taleyarkhan R.P., West C.D., Block R.C. |
54 | Evolution of deviations from the spherical shape of a vapor bubble in supercompression | Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Pages: 444-461, 2014 DOI: 10.1134/S0021894414030080 |
Aganin, AA; Il'gamov, MA; Toporkov, DY. |
55 | Formation of Convergent Shock Waves in a Bubble upon Its Collapse | Doklady Physics, Volume: 59 Issue: 9 Pages: 431-435, 2014 DOI: 10.1134/S1028335814090109 |
Aganin, A. A.; Toporkov, D. Yu., Il'gamov, M.A. |
56 | Dynamics of pulse waves in bubble liquids: Comparison between theory and experiment | Doklady Physics, Volume: 59 Issue: 6 Pages: 286-288, 2014 DOI: 10.1134/S1028335814060111 |
Gubaidullin, D. A.; Nikiforov, A. A. |
57 | Transformation of deep-water methane bubbles into hydrate | Geofluids, Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Pages: 430-442, 2014 DOI: 10.1111/gfl.12085 |
Egorov, A.V., Rozhkov, A.N. |
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